Theatre Academy Dance Collective TADaC – Renan Martins

The last Rite of Spring

Sat 24.5. at 9pm Hällä-Stage

Obviously ironic, The last Rite of Spring is Renan Martins’ first collaboration with TADaC – Theatre Academy Dance Collective.

Together, choreographer Renan Martins and TADaC dancers reimagine Stravinsky’s iconic composition through the lens of contemporary dance, exploring the delicate balance between success and failure. The dancers, in their final graduation performance, engage in an emotional journey marked by moments of celebration, struggle, and release. Through insidious contact material, their bodies become channels of both unity and tension, as they navigate fluctuating states of expectation and surrender. 

They face the challenge that is to work on such emblematic piece as they confront the idea of culmination, embracing both the triumphs and losses that come with closure.

Duration 60 minutes
Content warnings theatre smoke, flashing lights

Dancers Inka Auvinen, Altinay Kapsiz, Saila Pönkä, Joma Richter, Sointu Saraste,
Marjukka Savolainen, Mathilda Muk
Choreography Renan Martins
Choreography and dance assistant Anette Toiviainen
Light design June Horton-White
Sound design Renan Martins
Stylist Claudia Cifu
Sound operator Mikael Rantanen

Photos, teaser Jussi Ulkuniemi

RENAN MARTINS is a Brazilian choreographer and performer based in Barcelona. He started his artistic path as a young actor in Rio de Janeiro and at the age of 17 moved to Europe to study contemporary dance. He graduated from both SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) and P.A.R.T.S (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) where he started developing his choreographic work. His very first full evening piece “Let Me Die In My Footsteps” was chosen by Aerowaves as one of the top works of 2016. Since then he has been making work, performing and touring in various cities in Europe and Brazil. He is a member of Sekoia Artes Performativas, a Portuguese platform that has produced his work since 2018.

Parallel to his choreographic practice, he has been a dancer for Iztok Kovac, Marysia Stoklosa, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Alexandra Waierstall, Ceren Oran, Daniel Linehan and Peter Savel. Since 2013 he has been a member of Damaged Goods/Meg Stuart performing in “Violet”, “Atelier III”, “Projecting [Space[“ and most recently “CASCADE”. Martins is an active teacher sharing his work in various dance schools, festivals and companies around Europe and Brazil.